Monday, January 17, 2011

Encouraging Creative Genius

My boys are all convinced that they are going to be something really BIG when they grow up! They aren't going to be something boring like Daddy where they have to go to an office every day. They aren't going to be something unimportant like Mommy b/c lets face it, Mommy just gets to stay home and play and really, that's not a JOB--that's called FUN. No, they are going to make it big.

Their creative juices are always going and I really really really try to encourage them. Both Nicholas and Luke are pretty artistic (at least they love to draw and create) and it looks like Jake is following in their footsteps. They love to act out movies and shows and write stories. All great stuff--right?!

Well, NOW, Nicholas has decided that he wants to be a movie maker. He got all these Mario and Luigi characters (dolls) for Christmas and he is obsessed with making videos with them. Problem is, guess who has to be the videographer? Yup, either Bryan or I. And then, after the Oscar worthy movie is made, it must be edited with funny music and little sayings inserted. By the time each project is finished, we get to watch it over and over and ok, I'm just gonna say it--it's excruciating!!

Then there is Luke--my music lover. He desperately wants to be in a rock band. He got one of those annoying Paper Jamz electric guitars for Christmas and I kid you not, he played it for 13 hours straight. Straight! As in, no breaks--one gigantic guitar solo! Oy ve, my head! He also has an acoustic guitar that he loves to strum and strum and strum. It all sounds the same but we are constantly asked to listen to his newest greatest hit.

Now to Jake--Jake has found his creative streak and it seems to be with painting. He's a guy of few words but he likes to chant "paint, paint, paint" until well, you get the idea--until I break down and get out the paints. His masterpieces all kind of look the same and it takes me a good 45 minutes to clean him and all surrounding areas up after he finishes.

So, what's a Mom to do when she can't take anymore of her children's "creative" projects? When she just can't bear to hear another song, film another movie or admire another beautiful painting? The boys have this genius way of turning on the puppy dog eyes and asking "what, you don't like it? Do you think I should quit? Because I thought I was pretty good but if not, maybe I should just quit right now?" "Oh no sweetie, I love that song and all the songs before. It's not bothering me at all. Keep it up (gulp)!"

I am writing this so that in 20 years, when my children are indeed famous, I can look back and take my much deserved credit. Or when we discover that they are NOT ever going to be famous, but the shrinks are all trying to find the deep rooted reason of why I just sit there with glazed eyes while rocking back and forth, they will know where it all began! Either way, I'm taking one for the team!!!

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