Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Boy Drama and Finding Ms. Carrie

Well, here we are, day 3 of the "Snow/Ice In" of 2011 and we are just now starting to all get on each others nerves. Nicholas (newly 8) has been moping around all morning with "nothing to do". Nevermind the hundreds of dollars of Legos that he got for Christmas. Or the Wii and Wii games (as well as X-box and DS) that he has available! Undoubtedly, he is the most deprived child alive. "Mommy, I just don't know why they had to cancel school again today. I like school soooo much better than I like being at home. At school, they don't tell me what to do, nobody tries to fight with me like Luke, nobody wrecks my stuff like Jake and my teacher never tries to hurt my feelings like you do EVERY SINGLE DAY! I'm sorry if this is disrespectful (he always says this right before saying something disrespectful--as if apologizing in advance will keep him out of trouble), but you've become really mean and I just don't think I like this family all that much anymore. Now I'm going upstairs b/c I just can't take it anymore". Seriously???? It takes every bit of control not to yell "oh yeah, well, sometimes *I* don't like this family very much either and I'm totally sick of you too!!" but I just nicely tell him to clear his lunch plate. Luke (knowing exactly how to push his brother's buttons) says "Well, Mommy, I REALLY love this family and I love you and I don't think you are mean at all. I have the best family in the world!" Nicholas: "Shut up Luke, you are just trying to kiss up to Mommy". Me: "Nicholas, we don't say shut up". Nicholas" SEE, this is what I'm talking about--I'm ALWAYS in trouble!" Exit upstairs!

So I guess I need to talk to all those people who have told me for years that having all boys is hard when they are little but just wait until they get a little bit older and we'll see nothing of the drama that girls have! Are you kidding me? I've got plenty of tears and drama here. I asked Bryan "are we sure he wasn't born a girl--b/c I never been this hormonal". I will add that he came down about 20 minutes later (still with the sniffles and tears in his eyes) and told me how sorry he was and that he really does like our family. But that sometimes it just gets too much for him. Ok, understood!

On a completely different note, Bryan told me that even though I started this blog with tales of the boys in mind, that I could sometimes consider jotting down MY own thoughts, opinions, experiences or (gulp) dreams. What do you mean? Like, experiences WITHOUT the boys? A thought that doesn't include one of the kids or if it does, isn't immediately interrupted BY a kid? Honey, I don't even know what you are talking about. He reminded me that I USE to have a pretty interesting life and it didn't include any children's antics! And guess what, my life WAS kind of interesting! In another lifetime, I USE to be an institutional stockbroker--hmmm, well, that WAS pretty interesting. At least it seemed to be to other people. And I use to like tons of different music and go places and do things. It's funny how parents get so into parenting that they completely lose themselves. I mean for goodness sakes, I will go up to school and my name is "Nicholas' Mommy" Or "Luke's Mommy"--I rarely even get the "Ms. Carrie" anymore. Where did Ms. Carrie go? So even though it's a little past New Years, I am going to add yet one more New Years resolution! It's going to be to "Find Ms. Carrie!!". Ok, forget about the Ms. part--just Finding Carrie (naturally, I immediate think of the KIDS movie Finding Nemo--ugghh). But you get my drift! So while the house is somewhat quiet, I'm going to go start on that serial killer book that has been collecting dust on the bookshelf for awhile (did you know that pre-kids, I LOVED reading? Bryan always said he was going to put "Just one more chapter" on my gravestone--ha ha). Haven't had the time or energy to immerse myself into a book but darnit, I'm going to give it a shot! Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I used to do my nails every Saturday morning while drinking HOT coffee!!!
